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Four manufacturing methods of powder metallurgy products

2021-05-18 00:00:00

Powder metallurgy structural parts are one of the important applications of powder metallurgy. Today, with the help of Lianyungang Dongmu Powder Metallurgy Platform, we will discuss four manufacturing methods of powder metallurgy structural parts, which are conventional pressing, warm pressing, static pressing and metal injection.

1、 Conventional pressing is common in powder metallurgy

For the conventional pressing and manufacturing process, take Lianyungang Dongmu New Materials Co., Ltd. as an example. The customer needs to provide product drawings. The technical design is used to develop a scheme to make the female mold. The female mold needs to be processed and manufactured. The Lianyungang Dongmu Powder Metallurgy Factory has its own mold production center, as shown in the figure below (mold center), In the mold production center, use hardened tool steel or hard alloy to make the female mold needed for production. The female mold is the shape of production parts.

Conventional pressing requires mixing the powder required for production according to the use performance of the product, loading the iron powder into the female mold, and then using a hydraulic press or a mechanical press to vertically move the mold to press. At the initial stage, the blank is basically formed, and then sintered in the melting point furnace of mixed materials. After that, the finished powder metallurgy parts are completed through finishing, pressing, machining and other processes. As shown in the figure (conventional production workshop of Lianyungang Dongmu New Materials Co., Ltd.).


2、 Cold isostatic pressing method

The method of cold isostatic pressing is to put the powder into a tender mold. The mold is made of rubber or other polymers, and the pressure and powder are applied through the liquid through the mold wall. The powder in the mold will be subjected to the force generated in all directions until the powder volume is reduced until the resistance generated between the mold and the powder body is sufficient to balance the flow pressure. The advantage of cold pressing compared with conventional pressing is that its shape can not be completed by rigid die, such as pressing parts with concave corners. However, the production rate of cold pressing is generally low, so the cost of production batch is much higher than that of conventional pressing, and the size is not as easy to control as conventional pressing.

3、 Method of warm compaction

Warm compaction is a powder metallurgy production process that was born around 1980. Its main production process is similar to the traditional conventional compaction, but the premise is to heat the mold and iron powder to about 150 ° C for compaction. As long as the parts produced are for powder metallurgy products with a density greater than 7.2 square centimeters. In order to ensure the product quality and good filling property, the temperature of powder and mold must be strictly controlled.

4、 MIM Metal Injection Molding

Dongmu Group acquired Shanghai Fuchi and became a domestic manufacturer of PM and MIM * * *. At the same time, it invested about 2.5 billion yuan in Lianyungang, covering an area of about 420 mu, and built two production bases, Lianyungang Dongmu and Lianyungang Fuchi. MIM technology can complete very complex P/M parts with geometric shapes that cannot be completed by other production processes. MIM metal injection technology was originally evolved from plastic injection molding. The mixture of metal powder and adhesive is heated to the required viscosity and fluidity at a certain temperature, and then injected into the cold mold under pressure. After forming, they are released from the mold for sintering. Generally, the size of the blank of powder metallurgy parts completed by MIM metal injection is larger than that of conventional pressed powder metallurgy parts during sintering, so the production value of MIM blank is generally slightly larger than that of finished products.

The above are the four manufacturing methods of powder metallurgy parts. At present, Lianyungang Dongmu New Materials Co., Ltd. and Lianyungang Fuchi Hi Tech Intelligent Manufacturing Co., Ltd. have two production technologies, namely, powder metallurgy PM and MIM metal injection, which have become one of the eight production bases of Dongmu Group. Powder metallurgy has a great influence in China. In 2021, Lianyungang Dongmu New Materials Co., Ltd. will vigorously develop its own business and technical capabilities, and the production quota will reach 400 million in 2021, In the future, the powder metallurgy market is bound to climb the industry peak.


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